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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Great Chinese Joke

Yesterday China goverment announced that imported Korean Kimchi had parasite eggs and prohibited the sell of Korean Kimchi. Many Korean think it is a retaliatory action. Because last month Korea goverment announced same issue. Then Kimchi imported from China was prohibited the sell and import.

As far as their announcement is right it is serious situation. BUT Korean Kimchi vendors announced anyone in the list which was written by China goverment did not export Kimchi to China.

How can Chinese eat Korean Kimchi which was not imported from Korea?

The answer was found in the case of Kimchi which were showed by China goverment. Korean Kimchi vendors found slightly different print on the case. Yeh, those were fake products.

What a great Chinese fake market!

Many Korean believe Kimchis investigated by China goverment were fake products by Chinese themselves.

Great Chinese Joke !


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